Implementation of Trie Datastructure in GO

Trie Datastructure

  • Tries are an extremely special and useful data-structure that are based on the prefix of a string.
  • They are used to represent the “Retrieval” of data and thus the name Trie.

Prefix : What is prefix ?

The prefix of a string is nothing but any n letters (n≤ S ) that can be considered beginning strictly from the starting of a string.

-For example , the word “abacaba” has the following prefixes:

a ab aba abac abaca abacab

  • A Trie is a special data structure used to store strings that can be visualized like a graph.
  • It consists of nodes and edges.
  • Each node consists of at max 26 children and edges connect each parent node to its children.
  • These 26 pointers are nothing but pointers for each of the 26 letters of the English alphabet A separate edge is maintained for every edge.

  • Strings are stored in a top to bottom manner on the basis of their prefix in a trie.
  • All prefixes of length 1 are stored at until level 1, all prefixes of length 2 are sorted at until level 2 and so on.

Inserting into a Trie :

  • Inserting a key into Trie is simple approach.
  • Every character of input key is inserted as an individual Trie node.
  • Note that the children is an array of pointers (or references) to next level trie nodes.
  • The key character acts as an index into the array children.
  • If the input key is new or an extension of existing key, we need to construct non-existing nodes of the key, and mark end of word for last node.
  • If the input key is prefix of existing key in Trie, we simply mark the last node of key as end of word. The key length determines Trie depth.

Searching for a key in Trie :

  • Searching for a key is similar to insert operation, however we only compare the characters and move down.
  • The search can terminate due to end of string or lack of key in trie.
  • In the former case, if the isEndofWord field of last node is true, then the key exists in trie.
  • In the second case, the search terminates without examining all the characters of key, since the key is not present in trie.

Code for implementaion of Trie data structure in GO :

// Package trie provides Trie data structures in golang.
// Wikipedia:
package trie

// Node represents each node in Trie.
type Node struct {
	children map[rune]*Node // map children nodes
	isLeaf   bool           // current node value

// NewNode creates a new Trie node with initialized
// children map.
func NewNode() *Node {
	n := &Node{}
	n.children = make(map[rune]*Node)
	n.isLeaf = false
	return n

// Insert inserts words at a Trie node.
func (n *Node) Insert(s string) {
	curr := n
	for _, c := range s {
		next, ok := curr.children[c]
		if !ok {
			next = NewNode()
			curr.children[c] = next
		curr = next
	curr.isLeaf = true

// Find finds words at a Trie node.
func (n *Node) Find(s string) bool {
	curr := n
	for _, c := range s {
		next, ok := curr.children[c]
		if !ok {
			return false
		curr = next
	return true