Day 6 Solution In Go

Solution for ‘Set all the bits in given range of a number’ in GO.

Author@ Suras Kumar Nayak

Set all the bits in given range of a number


Given a non-negative number N and two values L and R. The problem is to set all the bits in the range L to R in the binary representation of N.

Constraints :

  • 1<=T<=100
  • 1<=N<=232
  • 1<=L<=R<=32


The first line of input contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases. Then T test cases follow. Each test case contains three integers N, L and R as input.


For each test case, set the bits in given range and print the modified number in new line.

Sample Test Case:

Input :

  • 2
  • 17 2 3
  • 8 1 2

Output :

  • 23
  • 11


  • Input : N = 17, L = 2, R = 3
  • Output : 23
  • (17)10 = (10001)2
  • (23)10 = (10111)2
  • The bits in the range 2 to 3 in the binary representation of 17 are set.


  • Language Used: go
package main
import "fmt"
func main(){
	var t int
	for j := 1; j <= t; j++ {
		var n int
		var l int
		var r int
		fmt.Println(n|(((1 << uint(l - 1)) - 1) ^ ((1 << uint(r)) - 1))) 